Disclaimer: This didn't get made but was based on an emerging technology I found in 2016. The tech has since been used but when I tell people about the idea they ask why it isn't on my site. So here it is: As the leading brand in its sector, Audible have the opportunity to ‘own’ the spoken word space in the same way that Google owns search. THE IDEA: MAKE AUDIBLE THE GUARDIANS OF THE SPOKEN WORD Through inventive and generous initiatives and content: Meet Helen. She’s a young mother in early stages of motor neurone disease. She’s currently capable, but at some point she’ll be dependent on her husband and others. She’ll also lose her power of speech. Through an emerging new technology, we offer to bank Helen’s voice. A system that accurately recreates an individual’s voice in a fraction of the normal time. (10 hours rather than a thousand or so.) They say that Motor Neurone Disease takes a person’s soul away from their families, trapping them in a body that no longer works. Helen’s kids love her reading them stories and they’re always excited about the next book. And by banking her voice, she’ll be able to read them stories from any book, even ones not published yet, long after she’s lost the power of speech. But it doesn’t stop there... Helen’s activity would be part of the launch of something called Audible Voice Bank Legacy Collection. A Bank where we store famous voices, living and past, so users can have books read by their favourite artist. Let’s start with the most captivating voice of all time. Richard Burton. There are hundreds of hours of recordings of his voice. We use these to teach the AI his voice and authentically Voice Bank it. Imagine a new book being read by Richard Burton! That alone will create buzz. To amplify this we’ll hold a book launch where Richard Burton reads passages from a new book. We can do entire or first chapter readings at free open-air events. Some other builds follow: